Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Uncanny Image - PLEASE POST AN IMAGE BY 3 pm OCT 16 for discussion in class

Following on Marina Warner's assertion that there is something uncanny in the nature of the image (as in mirror images and shadow images), please select an image that strikes you as arguably an instance of the Uncanny.
POST IT on the blog with
IDENTIFICATION - Artist(s), medium, whatever you know about its originating circumstances
SOURCE - Where and how did you find it?
JUSTIFICATION - How does it appear to you to constitute an uncanny image?

Your selections will be supplemented by works from fine-art photography and the world of "spirit photography"--spooky stuff. Background for that topic is provided in the reading from The Perfect Medium, the catalogue of the Metropolitan Museum show on uncanny photography.

DO extend beyond fine-art images if you wish. But please keep this distinction in mind: Our subject is the uncanny image, and we're asking whether there's some tendency to evoke the Uncanny in image-making and -viewing. That's quite different from using the image as supposed documentary evidence of the existence of another world or dimension. Please select what you consider a provocative but also relevant and productive image.

PS Boo.